Project developed by Comunicativi Web Agency for Mondobici
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Logo di partenza

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Mondobici has a strong presence both online and offline: in addition to being a leading eCommerce site for cycling enthusiasts, it is also a well-known physical store and a skilled organizer and sponsor of various professional and amateur races.
Desktop Layout
12 Columns grid - 145px Columns - 16 Gutter

Shopping Experience
Categories and subcategories divided into specific worlds, to find exactly what you are looking for in just a few clicks.
With visual support and immediate Call to Actions, all the necessary information to complete the sale is easily accessible.

Extra services
Given its dual nature as an eCommerce and physical store, Mondobici is able to provide extra services like near-complete bike assembly, checked by technicians, 90% assembled, shipped with instructions to finish the assembly, and the option to video call the technical staff for assistance. All of this can be conveniently selected on the eCommerce site at the time of purchase.

Fast Checkout
Fast Checkout to ensure a quick and secure purchase without unnecessary steps that slow down the shopping experience, especially from mobile.

Social Media and Newsletter
A combined strategy of promotional posts, alongside classic interaction posts on the page, and newsletters with exclusive discounts and promotions. Continuous catalog sales and remarketing campaigns aimed at boosting site traffic and sales strategy.

Google Ads
Ongoing Google Shopping and Search campaigns aimed at direct sales through eCommerce.